Fall might be the season of change, but this year has had no shortage of them. It’s crazy that, even six months in to this “new normal,’ things are still constantly shifting and moving around. 


I’ve learned so much this year, as I’ve mentioned many a time. I’ve been so thankful for my friends and my other loved ones who have been so supportive, even though each one of them has a unique set of challenges brought on by this year. 

In many ways, I feel I’ve gotten every thing ripped away from me.  All of the things I felt so good and confident about, so secure in all just taken from my grasp. It definitely has not been easy, and yes, I still have so much to be grateful for, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been hard. Like I wrote over the summer, I thought 2019 was going to be my most challenging year yet, but it’s clear that Miss Rona had a plan for me.  I felt many moments of deep lows and wondered when I would even get a glimpse of a high.

It feels a little wild at times to be in a constant state of change.  I’ve had to work a lot on understanding the implications of these changes, the effects they have on me and how I choose to react and absorb them. My therapist said to me the other day something along the lines of “when the most change and chaos is happening, it’s usually the biggest indicator of a new chapter.“ So I’ve been trying to fall into this sentiment and understand that I needed to clear a lot out of my way in order to move forward. 

Anyways, back to the reason we’re here. I put together this playlist during the summer of some more downtempo, chill songs I thought really encapsulated an East Coast Fall feeling. It’s funny listening back to the songs I chose months ago and hearing the lyrics. In many ways I feel I almost predicted my destiny. However this is not meant to dwell, but rather to recognize the changes and losses of this year and use them to energize me for the upcoming months.

I hope that no matter where you might be in the world, both physically or mentally, this playlist helps to bring you a little bit of calmness and solitude. If you’re reading this, this is a reminder that shit is hard, but you are doing well. We will all come out better on the other side.

As the days get shorter and the temperature starts to drop, I look forward to starting this said new chapter. I am excited for the changes it brings, even though it can be very tough at times to accept.

Cheers to a new season and see you in the winter!


Listen to MATCHASOUND 023 here:

Listen to the full MATCHASOUNDS Inventory here:

Wanna get all nostalgic? Listen back to Matcha Sounds 014: SEPTEMBER 2019 here:

Or listen back to Matcha Sounds 015: OCTOBER 2019 here:

Also, you can listen back to Matcha Sounds 016: NOVEMBER 2019 here:

Nadia Fallahi

Nadia Fallahi is a matcha lover, bass music elitist, glass cube enthusiast based and calendar design extraordinaire in Los Angeles, CA.


