MATCHASOUNDS 008: March 2019

IT’S MIRACLE MONTH ONCE AGAIN!!! In honor of the best month of the whole year and in celebration of my life, I have put together yet another playlist.


I love March first and foremost because my birthday falls in the month. Since my birthday is March 31, I claim the whole month for myself. And just wait till you see what I have planned. In addition to that, March brings the Spring season – a time to renew, freshen up and launch right into festival season – I mean, uh, reprioritize. I’m excited to celebrate Nowrouz and welcome 1398.

I’m also really excited because in just a few days, I will heading east (well, technically west) to Japan and Korea with some of my friends. Tokyo has been the #1 place I’ve wanted to visit since I was 16, and I cannot believe that this is happening so soon! I’ve been getting all my lewks together and stocking up on Heat Tech as I reintroduce different things into my diet in preparation.

My playlist has 24 tracks to encompass the last 24 years I’ve been on this earth. It’s a mixture of all different genres, but I wanted to include some of my most favorite songs I hold so close to my heart. Music is such a huge part of my life, and it’s saved me in my darkest days. There’s also some tracks that put you on top of the world and make you feel unstoppable.

I hope this Miracle Month brings such amazement, excitement and of course, miracles. Cheers!!


Listen to MATCHASOUNDS 008 here:

Listen to the full MATCHASOUNDS Inventory here:

Nadia Fallahi

Nadia Fallahi is a matcha lover, bass music elitist, glass cube enthusiast based and calendar design extraordinaire in Los Angeles, CA.


