MATCHASOUNDS 021: May 2020

Week eight of our new normal. It’s hard to tell if things are getting better or not, but it’s so important to stay positive.

I can’t say that every day has been easy breezy. It definitely helps that it’s been generally nicer out in SF. I’ve been going stir crazy some days, but I try to get out for a long walk when I can. Doing this paired with listening to some good chunes has really helped to clear my mind and make me step away from the screens.

I also just spent some days down in central California filled with lots of sunshine, suburbia, outdoor activities and long drives. It’s a chunk of time I would in no way get if I were working right now, so I’m really grateful for the change of scenery for a few days.

I often think about making the perfect mixes for long drives with my playlists. I was able to test out May’s a few times on my drives over the last few weeks. I wanted this one, especially, to feel light and lucid, while warming your mind, body n soul.

There have already been so many changes in the last few weeks, and I know I’m about to face a ton more in the coming weeks. Like I said before, it’s so important to remain positive. I’ve been trying to focus on doing things that make me feel good and taking time to express gratitude. I’m remembering that I don’t have to be super fucking crazy productive each and every day. I can take time to take a step back and breathe.

I’m hoping that we’ll all be able to enjoy somewhat of semi-normal summer. I can’t wait see all my friends, go out to dinner, do karaoke, etc. It’ll come, and I’m going to soak up this slowed down time while I have it.

See you (hopefully outside) in June!


Listen to MATCHASOUNDS 021 here:

Wanna get all nostalgic? Listen back to MATCHASOUNDS 010: May 2019 here:

Listen to the full MATCHASOUNDS Inventory here:

Nadia Fallahi

Nadia Fallahi is a matcha lover, bass music elitist, glass cube enthusiast based and calendar design extraordinaire in Los Angeles, CA.


