It’s that time of year, again!!!!!  The 2024 SIDE OF MATCHA calendar is here!   And you can buy yours HERE.

I’ve designed a fresh and original 12-month calendar with art of my own creation and a grid layout that is incredibly unique.  And for all of my designers out there, I also challenged myself to create the final product in Figma.  And also, there’s a cute lil Easter egg in the grids this year 😉 Excited to see who figures it out!

I am really proud of how this one turned out.  I’m not gonna lie and say it was any bit easy.  This was probably the year that presented the most challenge for me in creating the final product.  I was so in my head about how to top the 2023 calendar.  That one had been my favorite, as it was the most rewarding to be in flow state for and also the art that came out of it was so different to years prior.

I also didn’t flex a lot of my creative muscles in this way for months, so I had to retrain myself for that.  I also found myself starting to creative derivatives of 2023’s art.  However, in the end, I was able to get to a place where I even had *too* many pieces I wanted to include in the final.

I really am quite pleased with how it all came to fruition — and I feel it was really a big lesson in “less is more.”  Placing the final art on the pages and watching it come to life is when I really started to feel that and just an overall excitement.  This is a project that is so near and dear to my heart, one I’m grateful and honored to share with the people in my life as well.  There were moments when I almost decided to scrap the whole thing, but I knew there was a ping in me to keep going — and I am soooooo glad that I did.

Making art and sharing it with the world is such a vulnerable experience, but it is something I feel truly brave and rewarded in.  How thrilling it is to watch my art grace the walls, desks, fridges, etc. of my friends and family.  That to me makes it all worth it.


So whether you’ve bought each year’s edition or this is your first time, I just wanted to say thank you.  This project in many ways has changed my life and how I move.  And for that, I am immensely filled with gratitude.

2024 SIDE OF MATCHA calendars are available for purchase HERE for $36 — with $1 of every sale going to Everytown for Gun Safety and some SIDE OF MATCHA stickers + NEW!! I ❤️ MATCHA temporary tattoos.  So feel free to pickup one for you and everyone else in your life.

Nadia Fallahi

Nadia Fallahi is a matcha lover, bass music elitist, glass cube enthusiast based and calendar design extraordinaire in Los Angeles, CA.


