She’s here!  She’s here!  The third installment of the annual SIDE OF MATCHA calendar!

I’m immensely excited to share the 2023 SIDE OF MATCHA calendar with all of you.  I had so much fun putting this year’s together.  I took a totally different approach than I have in the last two years.  It felt good to follow my intuition and dive into creation when/how it spoke to me.  I started carrying a sketchbook with me when I went to Spain in the spring, and it’s been really fun to have this lil outlet for creativity wherever I go.  It’s also been a great way to get off of my phone.

Going to Shambhala over the summer really invigorated me when it came to energy and creativity.  I came back so clear on who I am and what I want to do with my time/life.  I realized that creativity is everywhere.  There is magic up in Salmo that surged thru my body while there.  Coming home, I dove right into the creation.  The days when I was able to create were so beautiful and uplifting.  I loved getting into a flow state.  I could feel the alignment in each cell of my body.  Creating the art for this calendar and putting everything together was such incredible soul food that I didn’t realize I really needed!

When it came to the layout of the calendar, I didn’t want to follow suit of the last two editions.  I felt called to switch it up and try something a lil different.  I know it’s what folks may not be used to, but I am so stoked on it!  Plus, how good is it for our neuroplasticity to switch it up?  

I’ve always seen myself as a multimedia artist.  I loved getting to create in a more hands-on way this year.  Collaging and painting are two of my favorite media to create in, so it is really special to be able to incorporate that kind of work into the 2023 calendar.  While I still love my design work, it felt quite liberating and exciting (and also a lil more vulnerable) to create and share this side of my talents.  And I gotta say, I am so pleased with the outcome!


This year’s calendar is $26 and is available for purchase in my shop right now!  $1 from every calendar purchased will be donated to Everytown for Gun Safety – an organization working to end gun violence in the US– and you’ll also get one SIDE OF MATCHA sticker for each cal you purchase.  There also might be a few other new surprises in my shop right now as well 👀

Here are some testimonials from a few of my loyal customers:

I’m so excited to spend another year on your walls, and I cannot wait to hear what your favorite month is!  Purchase your SIDE OF MATCHA 2023 calendar today 🍵💚

Nadia Fallahi

Nadia Fallahi is a matcha lover, bass music elitist, glass cube enthusiast based and calendar design extraordinaire in Los Angeles, CA.


