MATCHASOUNDS 022: Summer 2020

Well, what a summer is has been.  I’ve refrained from publishing MATCHASOUNDS for June and July because it seemed tone deaf and not really the right thing to focus on at the time.  Additionally, I didn’t want to take away the bigger conversations regarding racial inequality, injustice and police brutality in our country.   It’s very clear that a change is coming, and we cannot stop fighting.  Just because these stories aren’t the main headlines in the media nor that the hashtags of the murdered aren’t trending anymore doesn’t mean we can stop putting in the effort. 


We’re officially (almost) at the two year anniversary of MATCHASOUNDS!!! It’s been really fun to put these together and learn how to sonically curate a journey. I’ve also enjoyed sharing them each month with all of you. It’s cool to hear the feedback, but I get most excited when I hear that I’ve helped introduce someone to their newest favorite song.

I thought it might be better to focus more on a seasonal playlists moving forward.  I find myself rushing to get these playlists together each month, and I want to make sure they’re very carefully curated and presented.  I’m going from 60 to ~90 minutes and will publish them halfway through each season.  I think the vibes of each will more closely reflect the season but also what’s new or what I’ve been really into during that time.  I guess that’s not really *that* different from before, but hopefully, you get what I’m saying.

This summer has definitely been a tad bittersweet.  I moved out of my apartment in San Francisco after being laid off and moved back home to Potomac.  It feels like a summer vacation but also doesn’t.  Does that make sense?  I’m not even sure, lol.  It’s nice to have these relaxing days, but I’m still cranking out the apps and doing some other work, like this blog or other random things.  It definitely has been nice, though, to have more laid back days and get to hangout with my friends who are around.

I wanted this playlist to be fun and warm.  I picked some all-time favorites and some newer ones.  I also included some songs from the road trip I took a few weeks back (more to come on that!).  Music, like I always say, is so important in my life, and I’ve noticed how much it’s helped me, especially in the last few months.  I want to pay that good energy forward to all of you.

I hope your days are filled with sunshine and good energy.  I hope that this summer has pushed you all to grow and reevaluate your lives and the people in them.  I hope that you are fired up and are going to vote and vote *smart* this November. 

See you in the fall!


Listen to MATCHASOUNDS 022 here:

Listen to the full MATCHASOUNDS Inventory here:

Wanna get all nostalgic? Listen back to MATCHASOUNDS 011: June 2019 here:

Or listen back to Matcha Sounds 012: July 2019 here:

Also, you can listen back to Matcha Sounds 013: August 2019 here:

Nadia Fallahi

Nadia Fallahi is a matcha lover, bass music elitist, glass cube enthusiast based and calendar design extraordinaire in Los Angeles, CA.


